I am Ingrid Aju

I live and work in the small Mayan community of San Juan La Laguna on the banks of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala which is a village inhabited by the ‘Tzu’tu’jil’ Mayan people.

I’m a master weaver, guiding the weavers of the Madres Solteras (single mothers) co-operative, which I set up to provide strength, solidarity and support, and to allow single mothers to feed, clothe and educate our children.

I feel that the standard of our work is superior to that of the market vendors and we stake our reputation on the excellence of our products. I enjoy taking this further by creating one-off artistic pieces of my own design.

My dream has always been to get my work recognised overseas and sell to markets such as  the US, Europe and Australia/New Zealand. This is not only to share our work with the rest of the world, but to help me accomplish my dreams of one day opening a free school for my community.


Along with some dear friends, I founded Mayan Clothing Company to help me achieve these dreams.